Frequently asked questions

Do your album sales count on the charts?
Yes! We only source albums or make bulk album purchase orders with official Hanteo chart stores.  

Is your merch official or unofficial?
We sell a mix of both official and unofficial kpop merch. Each product description will tell you whether the merch is official or not. One note: we never source unofficial albums or light sticks. 

Why does shipping take 5-25 days?
We source both official and unofficial merch from a variety of sources near and far. We'll also keep you updated on the status of your purchase every step of the way. If you have any questions or need something quickly please get in touch

Why do you donate to LGBT+ groups in Korea?

Short answer: Because we want to. 

Long answer: South Korea is a socially conservative country. Although there are laws against discrimination based on orientation, race, and gender, many LGBT+ Koreans choose to hide their identities. In 2017, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea conducted a poll where 92.6% of the LGBT+ people surveyed said they worried about becoming the targets of hate crimes.

Kpop has the most diverse and welcoming fanbases we've ever seen. We want everyone to feel as comfortable and welcome in their daily lives as they do surrounded by fellow fans at concerts.

If this bothers you then you are welcome to choose one of the other charities, or, even better, go shop somewhere else. ♥


Will I be charged customs fees?

Heya Korea is not responsible for any custom fees after your items have shipped. Your items may have customs fees, though this is rare.